ORECO d.o.o. was founded in 1993 as a fully privately owned company. Over the years we become a credible partner for many companies in the country and abroad.
Our core business is diesel engine service, marine engineering, representation of foreign companies and trade.
Company Oreco d.o.o. has a well-equipped service workshop of approximately 120 m2 with all the necessary special tools for servicing and maintenance of diesel engines and associated equipment, as well as testing of the Cummins diesel engine injector. Next to the workshop there is a warehouse of about 100 m2 with spare parts and filters.
The owner and CEO of ORECO d.o.o., Nenad Oreskovic, is a graduate engineer, educated at home and abroad in the technical and commercial area for providing marine equipment services. With its knowledge, experience, numerous personal contacts and responsible staff, we can offer the best solutions for our business partners.
In order to meet all the requirements and expectations of its clients, ORECO d.o.o. very flexibly approaches each project.
Our priorities are as follows:
Our future plans relate to expanding our operations with marine equipment and products and further training in the field of services.
Integrirani sustav upravljanja društva ORECO d.o.o. temelji se na međunarodnim normama prema kojima je certificiran (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001) i primjenjuje se na sve osnovne djelatnosti ORECO -a: proizvodnju, prodaju i servisiranje brodskih motora, opreme i pomoćnih brodskih sustava.
Politika Integriranog sustava upravljanja ORECO-a shodno tome u sebi objedinjuje Politike upravljanja kvalitetom, okolišem, zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnosti pri radu, i podložna je periodičnom preispitivanju od strane najvišeg poslovodstva.
Pri realizaciji misije i strategije ORECO-a poštuju se zahtjevi i glavna načela integriranog sustava upravljanja.
Glavna načela integiranog sustava upravljanja: